Laparoscopic GI Cancers

Laparoscopic for GI Cancers:-

The majority of stomach cancers discovered by doctors nowadays are advanced cases. Due to this, practically all stomach cancer patients will need surgery of some kind to address the illness, whether it be an open operation or a minimally invasive procedure.

Surgery is intended to treat the disorder. In addition to enabling patients to eat and feel more comfortable, surgery can also enhance patients' quality of life.

Laparoscopic Gastrectomy is another name for laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer. Through the use of a laparoscope and surgical tools, the surgeon performs minimally invasive surgery to remove the stomach tumor. Expert surgical oncologists do the operation. Part of the stomach is removed during a partial gastrectomy. To ensure that all cancer has been removed, doctors frequently remove fatty tissue and lymph nodes as well.

Total gastrectomy: The whole stomach, as well as any nearby lymph nodes and fatty tissue, is removed by the doctor. The surgical team next joins the intestines to the esophagus. To enable more efficient digestion, a surgeon may build a new "stomach," or pouch, by folding over a section of the intestines. These operations call for accuracy and every surgery has dangers. These dangers can be decreased by selecting a doctor and medical staff with substantial expertise in treating stomach cancer.

The process is carried out to:

  1. Remove the stomach's malignant area.
  2. The entire stomach is removed if the cancer cells have spread throughout.
  3. To lymph nodes close to the stomach that contain cancerous cell damage.

Medical professionals strongly favor laparoscopic procedures for treating gastric cancer for the following reasons:

  1. The operation requires smaller incisions.
  2. Less post-operative discomfort
  3. A quicker recovery.
  4. Less time in the hospital
  5. Fewer issues following the operation.

The patient receives general anesthesia before the surgery begins. To track the patient's urine flow, a catheter is implanted. After that, a tube called a nasogastric tube is put down the throat and into the stomach so that an antiseptic solution may be used to clean the abdomen.  During the operation, a laparoscope is placed through a tiny incision to monitor the precise state of the afflicted region and the removal process. Two to three tiny incisions are made by the surgeon in the abdominal region, through which the surgical tools are entered to perform the procedure. The damaged portion of the stomach is operated on by the surgeon, who also removes any tumors or ulcers. If the top section is operated on, the esophagus is joined to the lower half of the stomach, but if the lower part is worked on, the stomach is attached to the small intestine. Following the surgery, the incisions are fully stitched, and the patient is clothed appropriately.

The following methods are used for gastric cancer laparoscopic treatment:

  • Endoscopic Mucosal Resection: This procedure is carried out in the submucosa and mucosa. To treat a tumor that is under two centimeters in diameter or to remove a lymph node, an endoscope must be placed into the gut.
  • Laparoscopically Assisted Distal Gastroplasty (LADG): This procedure is performed to remove advanced malignant cells. It is used to remove lymph nodes or tumors situated at the branches of the celiac arteries in addition to lymph nodes or tumors located in the stomach and surrounding lymph nodes.

Before Laparoscopic Surgery for Gastric Cancer:-

The patient's vitals, including temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc., will be collected prior to the surgery. Additionally, the patient can be required to undergo tests including a blood test, CT scan, ultrasound, endoscopy, ECG, EEG, X-ray, and others. Food and liquid intake will be halted a few hours before the procedure.

After Laparoscopic Surgery for Gastric Cancer:-               

The patient is taken to the post-operative room after the procedure, where he is held for a few hours under supervision. Depending on the patient's health, he is then sent to the ICU or award. Following surgery, the patient is not permitted to eat or drink anything. The patient might have to spend a few days in the hospital. The doctor will provide medications and give advice on how to care for the patient after discharge. He'll give him a call for routine follow-up appointments. The patient needs a few weeks to go back to his daily routine.

Category: Laparoscopic GI Cancers
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